As I write this, it is August 4th, in 2016. A Thursday. In 1998, it was a Tuesday. That was the day my two beloved children were born. I wasn't there when it happened, I was at my grandmother's, helping with chores and staying overnight the night before. Mom called me there and said that our mother cat had her kittens sometime in the night. I rushed home to see them, and to name them. They were beautiful kittens, Josh all white, inherited from his father, with his mother's beautiful green gold eyes. Jacen inherited his mother's tabby patterns, but the Siamese coloration and blue eyes from somewhere in his father's line.
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Little one, child of my waning years, and my son's little sister. Guardian of the loud war-cry. Fifteen years we have lived in the same apartment, Breathing each others' breaths, Sharing warmth at bed time and waking time. The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of a work of poetic prose written sometime between 1980 and 1992, whose original creator is unknown. The theme is of an other-worldly place to which a pet goes upon its death, eventually to be reunited with its owner.
If you have lost an animal companion that you would like to memorialize, you are welcome to email [email protected]. Please put in the subject line “Rainbow Bridge,” and include the name of the animal, the year it was born, the year it passed, pictures (if you have any) and any stories, reflections, poems, etc. Each animal will receive its own blog post. Once the animal is added, you will be emailed the permalink to your animal’s post. Blessed Be. |